Spring 2022 - Noah is another undergraduate that was snared by the net Atley had cast out when she went on a recruiting spree for the next generation of Langlais Lab trainees. Like every other freggin' UA undergrad that joins the Langlais Lab, Noah is an elite student, except this young buck is next-level, as in, a full-ride academic scholarship. Who even does that. I know I didn't. I'm pretty sure Texas Tech University read my college application in 1993 and responded with a "well, sure, we're taking everyone else, why not". Noah, again, like 99% of the undergraduate overachievers that join my lab, wants to be an MD. I can't steer these excellent students towards the wonderful world of failing at experiments day in, day out. It's becoming more and more obvious that maybe if I design experiments that actually work, I'd have better luck at contributing to the Future Researchers of America talent pool. In his spare time, Noah enjoys riding his skateboard and getting hit by cars, getting bacterial infections, and trying to convince himself that buying fried chicken from Cane's is a better investment than paying for Fantasy Football. DUMB. WELCOME NOAH, I HOPE YOU'RE NOT SCREWING UP YOUR GLUCOSE UPTAKE ASSAY RIGHT NOW.
UPDATE - Spring 2023 - Sayonara Noah Rojas! They come and they go, and Noah wasted no time with either. Showed up, kicked ass, then bailed as soon as he possibly could. I mean, he graduated, so, you know, who can blame him? Apparently people go to Europe and vacation after they graduate, i'm hearing a lot of this lately. I didn't go to Europe, but, I did go fly fishing in Missouri. What's next for fresh-out-of-college Noah, what's a 22-year-old do when they graduate college and get a year break before trying to get into medical school? What they all do, become a scribe, whatever the hell that is. Anyway, Noah did really well, the Langlais Lab was lucky to have him, even if it was only for a year. As a matter of fact, Noah has already visited the lab afterwards, an often promised but seldom occuring event that the Langlais Lab trainees all seem to go through, so check out Noah!!!