Spring 2022 - One day Atley came to me and said "I have an idea, i'm a preceptor for a class that has a bunch of smart people in it. What if at the end of a lecture about microtubules, I go up to the front of the class and talk about the lab and the work we do? Maybe we can recruit some new members?"
Welcome Madi! Madi hails from the mecca that is the Phoenix suburb of Happy Valley. Madi has a 12.0 GPA and joins our lab as a sophmore. She came to the lab with practically no experience, but, it quickly became apparent that Madi posesses the coveted "golden hands" skillset, as in, anything she touches turns to gold. Madi went from zero to hero in a matter of months, deciding early on to go ahead and choose the Langlais Lab as the lab for her Honor's Thesis. With the loss of Atley and Skylar, Madi's arrival was perfect timing. In her spare time Madi is an amatuer professional bartender who likes to pour garbage into a fishbowl, stick two straws in it, and call it a masterpiece. Cheers to scientific progress and saying HELL NO to Blue Curacao!
UPDATE - Summer 2024 - They come and they go, and Madi is no exception, sadly, we were really fortunate to have her. A true above and beyonder, Madi is already missed. She graduated Spring 2024 and started med school at Midwestern, one year behind Atley. Definitely think we'll see Madi again...