Kaelie Zelms - 2021 - 2024

Undergraduate Thesis Honors Student

2021 - Once I realized Atley was going to leave us to become the President of the United States of America pretty soon, I had the epiphany that she probably knows other highly functional, up-and-coming, academic elites. In typical take-care-of-business Atley form, she simply said "ya, i'm puting out the call". 10 MINUTES LATER WELCOME KAELIE ROSE ZELMS! Kaeaeaelie comes to us from NORTH Scottsdale OK, not South Scottsdale, NORTH Scottsdale, like Kierland, not Taco Bell on McDowell and Hayden. Like Atley, Kaelie is also in the sorority comprised of over-acheivers that make me regret the time I wasted skateboarding when I was in college, although Kaelie is just a Freshman, so she is involved in only 36 extra-cirrucular activites, not 608 like Atley. Kaelie has joined the lab with zero scientific experience, although she passed the scientific vetting process like a pro. Kaelie will only be able to train with Atley for just a few weeks before she heads home for the summer. Once she returns, she will apply to the UBRP program and we will make her work 80 hours a week in the lab to prove her worth. Funny thing is, because of the stupid pandemic, I've never actually met Kaelie, our entire experience has been through the internet. Alright, let's all wish Kaelie good luck during her transformation from booger-pickin' Freshman rookie to Sophomore Like A Boss.

UPDATE - Fall 2022 - Kaelie is now a sophomore and is doing not that bad here in the Langlais Lab. College has her split between many commitments, although, it is obvious she should drop them all and only work in the lab 80 hours a week. C'mon Kaelie, get my priorities straight.

UPDATE - Spring 2024 - 4 years and she gone. Graduated in Spring 2024, headed back to North Scottsdale, another gap year graduate, taking some time in the medical feild while she beefs up her application to medical school. Second gen of the breadsticks, found by Atley, we miss KRZ very much. She better be grabbing martinis with Madi and Atley up in NoSco or else i'm driving up there to fire all of them.