Fall 2023 - Last Spring, ol' Frank The Tank Duca messaged me "hey really your mass spec lab it's so fancy, do me a favor and have the interviewing students come through and act like you're fancy". So, candidates come through, I give them the speech BOOM SNAGGED ONE. Welcome Emilie Lu, the Langlais Lab's second ever graduate student, behind of course, the legend of DeHaven McCrary RIP DMC. Emilie graduated from the school we do not mention and then spent a year doing some sort of hybrid, I don't know, some kind of mishmash "i'm a student i'm a teacher" thing before she decideed "F this" and set out to find her life's calling THAT'S RIGHT IT'S THE LANGLAIS LAB! I gave Emilie at least six chances to choose a different lab but she stubbornly held on to the notion that the Langlais Lab was the place that students thrive. So, now she is in the trenches with the rest of us, grinding her way through the first year of grad school, living off Kit Kat and her parent's homemade dumplings and wontons which she has to give me 25% of because that is Law. In her spare time Emile doesn't have any spare time. WELCOME TO YOUR NEW LIFE EMILIE.