As the Assistant Director of Proteomics, Natalie is responsible for the general operation and maintenance of two Thermo Orbitrap Fusion Lumos mass spectrometers with DIONEX nano liquid chromatography systems. In this role, Natalie has collaborated with researchers throughout the UofA campus that are interested in performing quantitative proteomics, assist with experimental design, teach mass spectrometry based protocols, and finally help in any way possible to make sure users acquire the highest quality, manuscript-ready data. To this end, she is responsible for the continuous optimization and adaptation of mass spectrometry protocols for maximizing efficiency and increased workflow. Protocols that are performed in the Proteomics Laboratory include in solution digestion, fractionation by in gel digestion, phosphopeptide enrichment, and filter-aided sample prep.
As a Senior Research Specialist in Dr. Paul Langlais’ lab, Natalie’s work centers on discovering new CLASP2 protein-protein interactions via the utilization of immunoprecipitation-based MS interactome analyses with the overall goal of discovering new insulin-dependent biological pathways of CLASP2. Some of the laboratory techniques/skills that Natalie proficient in include but are not limited to gel electrophoresis, immunoprecipitations, Western blots, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Bradford assays, MS sample preparation, development of plasmid constructs, and general cell culture techniques. Additionally, Natalie assists with the preparation of figures and text for manuscripts and grants, present data at research laboratory meetings, train new lab members, and ensure the general upkeep and maintenance of the laboratory environment.