Fall 2023 - Ah yes, Rotimus Maximus. I have no idea why that nickname for Rotimi popped up in my head one day, but it's the name that I think of every single time. I am pretty sure Rotimi cringes every time he hears it, anyway, yes, Rotimi, the "i'm going to be a senior next year I gotta find a lab damn man!" guy. I too procrastinated in college, I never procrastinate now, never, ever, nerver. Once Rotimi and I realized "ok ya, we've got to make this happen even though we don't have a lot of time", we quickly joined forces. Rotimi spent the summer of 2023 in the Langlais Lab as a Blaiser scholar, a paid internship, pay that Rotimi is pretty sure he spent in entrirety by going out to eat all summer. Eaters eat. Turns out Rotimi, like 99.999% of the undergrad geniuses that make it to the Langlais Lab, wants to be an MD BOOOOOOOOO. Well, he's of the MD lineage, as his family has a history of being cardiologists. I asked a question one time about heart crap, and wouldn't you know it, Rotimi shot out fifteen answers, his parents definitely would have shed a prideful tear. All summer, Rotimi went through the process of failing miserably attempting glucose uptake assays, just like the rest of us, although, Rotimi felt the heat hard, those days were long, especially the last one. So long in fact that Rotimi ended up drinking tequila and cokes ("that's all I had!") that night until he hit the wall and barfed out. That's definitely one way to cope with glucose uptake assays, can't judge, been there, but I'm pretty sure I've never had a tequila and coke. Maybe no one has, ever? WELCOME ROTIMUS!!
UPDATE - Spring 2024 - So long Rotimi, graduated and on to the rest of his life. What will he be when he grows up? I don't know, he's going to gap year, with the intention of going to med school. Let's see if we get an update.....