Title | A Novel "Cut and Paste" Method for In Situ Replacement of cMyBP-C Reveals a New Role for cMyBP-C in the Regulation of Contractile Oscillations. |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2020 |
Authors | Napierski NC, Granger K, Langlais PR, Moran HR, Strom J, Touma K, Harris SP |
Journal | Circ Res |
Volume | 126 |
Issue | 6 |
Pagination | 737-749 |
Date Published | 2020 Mar 13 |
ISSN | 1524-4571 |
Abstract | RATIONALE: cMyBP-C (cardiac myosin-binding protein-C) is a critical regulator of heart contraction, but the mechanisms by which cMyBP-C affects actin and myosin are only partly understood. A primary obstacle is that cMyBP-C localization on thick filaments may be a key factor defining its interactions, but most in vitro studies cannot duplicate the unique spatial arrangement of cMyBP-C within the sarcomere. OBJECTIVE: The goal of this study was to validate a novel hybrid genetic/protein engineering approach for rapid manipulation of cMyBP-C in sarcomeres in situ. METHODS AND RESULTS: We designed a novel cut and paste approach for removal and replacement of cMyBP-C N'-terminal domains (C0-C7) in detergent-permeabilized cardiomyocytes from gene-edited Spy-C mice. Spy-C mice express a TEVp (tobacco etch virus protease) cleavage site and a SpyTag (st) between cMyBP-C domains C7 and C8. A cut is achieved using TEVp which cleaves cMyBP-C to create a soluble N'-terminal C0C7 (endogenous [genetically encoded] N'-terminal domains C0 to C7 of cardiac myosin binding protein-C) fragment and an insoluble C'-terminal SpyTag-C8-C10 fragment that remains associated with thick filaments. Paste of new recombinant ()C0C7 domains is achieved by a covalent bond formed between SpyCatcher (-sc; encoded at the C'-termini of recombinant proteins) and SpyTag. Results show that loss of C0C7 reduced myofilament Ca sensitivity and increased cross-bridge cycling () at submaximal [Ca]. Acute loss of C0C7 also induced auto-oscillatory contractions at submaximal [Ca]. Ligation of C0C7 (exogenous [recombinant] N'-terminal domains C0 to C7 of cardiac myosin binding protein-C)-sc returned pCa and to control values and abolished oscillations, but phosphorylated (p)-C0C7-sc did not completely rescue these effects. CONCLUSIONS: We describe a robust new approach for acute removal and replacement of cMyBP-C in situ. The method revealed a novel role for cMyBP-C N'-terminal domains to damp sarcomere-driven contractile waves (so-called spontaneous oscillatory contractions). Because phosphorylated (p)-C0C7-sc was less effective at damping contractile oscillations, results suggest that spontaneous oscillatory contractions may contribute to enhanced contractility in response to inotropic stimuli. |
DOI | 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.119.315760 |
Alternate Journal | Circ. Res. |
PubMed ID | 32078438 |
Grant List | R01 HL080367 / HL / NHLBI NIH HHS / United States R01 HL140925 / HL / NHLBI NIH HHS / United States |