Fall 2019 - Welcome Atley! I'm pretty sure at some point, I'll be working for Atley. Atley, like her contemporary Skylar, is the future of America. Atley comes to the Langlais Lab through a recommendation from a friend who had met me during a Physiology Undergraduate Speed-Dating event aimed at pairing undergraduates with research opportunities. Atley has a GPA of 10.6 I think, and volunteers for about 137 charitable organizations. She is vice-president of something too, i know that. Atley is in a sorority with 900 other over-acheivers as well. Atley would like to pursue a career in medicine and chose the Langlais Lab in the first semester of her Sophomore year (2019) because of her interest in diabetes. After a bit of time learning the ropes, Atley went all-in and decided to perform her Honor's Thesis with the Langlais Lab. Atley is currently quarantining in the mecca of Mesa, but will soon be back to enter the Undergraduate Biology Research Program (UBRP) with the Langlais Lab for the 2020 summer. Atley, along with Skylar, are the first undergrad Honor's Thesis students to join the Langlais Lab.
UPDATE - Spring 2022 - Just like Skylar, Atley is an undergrad post-doc now. A weathered veteran of the bench who snarls at new recruits and drinks their milkshakes. We got Atley for just a bit longer before she's outta here to continue her persuit to become an Endocrinologist. Or maybe she'll stay with the Langlais Lab....FOREVER. Like DeHaven. And Mac. And James. And Natalie. And that other James. All of 'em, still with me, in spirit, and I text them randomly, just to keep them feeling guilty for leaving.
UPDATE - Summer 2022 - 3 years come, 3 years go, and just like that, Atley, who had shown up to the Langlais Lab as a teenager, leaves as a young adult with a degree in hand . Can't say enough good things about Atley, she is already missed. Atley is taking a leap year with the hopes of getting into medical school starting in the fall of 2023. She'll be just fine out there.....
UPDATE - Summer 2023 - Accepted to medical school. Bingo.