Skylar Batty - 2019 - 2022

Undergraduate Thesis Honors Student
Undergraduate Thesis Honors Student

Fall 2019 -  Welcome Skylar! Skylar, unlike myself at her age , has an actual vision for her future......SCIENCE! Skylar comes to the Langlais Lab via a circuitous route. Having an interest in medicine entering college, Skylar soon became aware of a whole new world, biomedical research, and was immediately intrigued. So much so that she sought an answer to "what the hell is a lab anyway?". Through a bit of "it's all who you know" Skylar found her way to the Langlais Lab the first semester of her Sophmore year (2019). After a bit of time spent learning the basics of basic research, Skylar switched her major to Molecular & Cellular Biology and decided to perform her Honor's Thesis with the Langlais Lab. Skylar is currently quaratining at home on a fenced in porch in Kansas, but will soon be back to enter the Undergraduate Biology Reseaerch Program (UBRP) with the Langlais Lab for the 2020 summer. Skylar, along with Atley, are the first undergrad Honor's Thesis students to join the Langlais Lab. 

UPDATE - Spring 2022 - Skylar was an undergrad post-doc by the time she graduated in the Spring of 2022. She is off to the races to get a PhD at UCSD starting in the fall of 2022.