Only took us about 2 years and 10 months since being here, but, the Langlais Lab has figured out the internet! Welcome to our new University of Arizona College of Medicine Langlais Lab world-wide-web site. We just published a paper in Molecular & Cellular Proteomics this month, a big project for us. MCP is a great journal cause they like cutting-edge proteomics mixed together with cell biology, which is exactly what we got into. The Langlais Lab would sincerely like to thank Gus Mouneimne and especially Sara Parker over in the Cellular & Molecular Medicine Department for enabling this project to enter the wonderful world of live-cell imaging. This project simply would not have happened if it wasn't for Sara's all-in attitude and kickassedness. We would also like to thank Nam Lee and Euna Kwak over in the Department of Pharmacology for contributing their expertise on microtubule biology as well. A lot of the microtubule dynamics quantification data came from Chris Deer over at the Data Visualization wing of UITS here at the University of Arizona. Another person that needs credit is Paul Fini over in Biocommunications here at the UA who did such a thorough and professional job on the imagery we generated for the MCP paper.