A Novel "Cut and Paste" Method for In Situ Replacement of cMyBP-C Reveals a New Role for cMyBP-C in the Regulation of Contractile Oscillations.

TitleA Novel "Cut and Paste" Method for In Situ Replacement of cMyBP-C Reveals a New Role for cMyBP-C in the Regulation of Contractile Oscillations.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsNapierski NC, Granger K, Langlais PR, Moran HR, Strom J, Touma K, Harris SP
JournalCirc Res
Date Published2020 Mar 13

RATIONALE: cMyBP-C (cardiac myosin-binding protein-C) is a critical regulator of heart contraction, but the mechanisms by which cMyBP-C affects actin and myosin are only partly understood. A primary obstacle is that cMyBP-C localization on thick filaments may be a key factor defining its interactions, but most in vitro studies cannot duplicate the unique spatial arrangement of cMyBP-C within the sarcomere.

OBJECTIVE: The goal of this study was to validate a novel hybrid genetic/protein engineering approach for rapid manipulation of cMyBP-C in sarcomeres in situ.

METHODS AND RESULTS: We designed a novel cut and paste approach for removal and replacement of cMyBP-C N'-terminal domains (C0-C7) in detergent-permeabilized cardiomyocytes from gene-edited Spy-C mice. Spy-C mice express a TEVp (tobacco etch virus protease) cleavage site and a SpyTag (st) between cMyBP-C domains C7 and C8. A cut is achieved using TEVp which cleaves cMyBP-C to create a soluble N'-terminal C0C7 (endogenous [genetically encoded] N'-terminal domains C0 to C7 of cardiac myosin binding protein-C) fragment and an insoluble C'-terminal SpyTag-C8-C10 fragment that remains associated with thick filaments. Paste of new recombinant ()C0C7 domains is achieved by a covalent bond formed between SpyCatcher (-sc; encoded at the C'-termini of recombinant proteins) and SpyTag. Results show that loss of C0C7 reduced myofilament Ca sensitivity and increased cross-bridge cycling () at submaximal [Ca]. Acute loss of C0C7 also induced auto-oscillatory contractions at submaximal [Ca]. Ligation of C0C7 (exogenous [recombinant] N'-terminal domains C0 to C7 of cardiac myosin binding protein-C)-sc returned pCa and to control values and abolished oscillations, but phosphorylated (p)-C0C7-sc did not completely rescue these effects.

CONCLUSIONS: We describe a robust new approach for acute removal and replacement of cMyBP-C in situ. The method revealed a novel role for cMyBP-C N'-terminal domains to damp sarcomere-driven contractile waves (so-called spontaneous oscillatory contractions). Because phosphorylated (p)-C0C7-sc was less effective at damping contractile oscillations, results suggest that spontaneous oscillatory contractions may contribute to enhanced contractility in response to inotropic stimuli.

Alternate JournalCirc. Res.
PubMed ID32078438
Grant ListR01 HL080367 / HL / NHLBI NIH HHS / United States
R01 HL140925 / HL / NHLBI NIH HHS / United States