Endothelial tip/stalk cell selection requires BMP9-induced β-spectrin expression during sprouting angiogenesis.

TitleEndothelial tip/stalk cell selection requires BMP9-induced β-spectrin expression during sprouting angiogenesis.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsAhmed T, Ramonett A, Kwak E-A, Kumar S, Flores PCruz, Ortiz HR, Langlais PR, Hund TJ, Mythreye K, Lee NY
JournalMol Biol Cell
Date Published2023 Jun 01
KeywordsAnimals, Endothelial Cells, Growth Differentiation Factor 2, Mice, Neovascularization, Physiologic, Signal Transduction, Spectrin

β-Spectrin is a membrane cytoskeletal protein with specialized roles in the nervous system and heart. Recent evidence also indicates a fundamental role for β-spectrin in angiogenesis as its endothelial-specific gene deletion in mice enhances embryonic lethality due to hypervascularization and hemorrhagic defects. During early vascular sprouting, β-spectrin is believed to inhibit tip cell sprouting in favor of the stalk cell phenotype by mediating VEGFR2 internalization and degradation. Despite these essential roles, mechanisms governing β-spectrin expression remain unknown. Here we identify bone morphogenetic protein 9 (BMP9) as a major inducer of β-spectrin gene expression in the vascular system. We show that BMP9 signals through the ALK1/Smad1 pathway to induce β-spectrin expression, which then recruits CaMKII to the cell membrane to induce phosphorylation-dependent VEGFR2 turnover. Although BMP9 signaling promotes stalk cell behavior through activation of hallmark stalk cell genes ID-1/3 and Hes-1 and Notch signaling cross-talk, we find that β-spectrin acts upstream of these pathways as loss of β-spectrin in neonate mice leads to retinal hypervascularization due to excessive VEGFR2 levels, increased tip cell populations, and strong Notch inhibition irrespective of BMP9 treatment. These findings demonstrate β-spectrin as a BMP9 gene target critical for tip/stalk cell selection during nascent vessel sprouting.

Alternate JournalMol Biol Cell
PubMed ID37126382
PubMed Central IDPMC10295478
Grant ListP30 CA023074 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
R01 CA275036 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
R35 GM148171 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States
T32 GM139779 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States